Friday Evening Halaqa
Join us on Feb’ 7th 2025, Friday at 7:45pm with DR. TAREK ELGAWHARY on ZOOM
Dawn Prayer
6:15 AM
Noon Prayer
12:45 PM
Afternoon Prayer
4:00 PM
Sunset Prayer
5 minutes after Sunset
Night Prayer
7:30 PM
Friday Jumua Prayer
01:15 PM
A place for all!
Come join us for learning, worship, religious activities, cultural & recreational events, community service, and dialog.
Our community welcomes all regardless of race, gender, color or national origin.
Provide a place for worship and learning. Foster Interfaith dialog and service projects. We welcome and collaborate with all faiths, and serve as a neighborhood resource for activities including social, cultural, religious and educational
ICCP relies on the support of its wonderful community in order to provide the best possible experience for everyone. Donate or pledge today!
We promise
it won’t go unnoticed. Thank you!
Every Sunday, after Fajr With Imam Refai Arefin In-person & ZOOM Light breakfast will be served
Every Thursday, at 7:45 PM
With Imam Refai Arefin
In-person & ZOOM
Click on the image for the TEXT of the Halaqa
Every Friday evening at 7:45PM
with Dr. Tarek Elgawhary
Click on the image for the TEXT of the Halaqa
Every Sunday, after Fajr
With Imam Refai Arefin
In-person & ZOOM
Light breakfast will be served
Qiyam with Qari Anas Benzari 4-4:40AM
Suhoor & Fajr at 6:15AM
Followed by Potluck Iftar
14th February '25~ 15 Shaban 1446
Join us on Feb’ 7th 2025, Friday at 7:45pm with DR. TAREK ELGAWHARY on ZOOM
Join us on Feb’ 7th 2025, Friday at 1:15pm with IMAM REFAI AREFIN at ICCP & on ZOOM
Join us on Feb’ 9th 2025, Sunday after Fajr with IMAM REFAI AREFIN at ICCP & on ZOOM
Join us on Feb’ 13th 2025, Thursday at 7:45pm with IMAM REFAI AREFIN at ICCP & on ZOOM
6:30 AM
12:30 PM
3:45 PM
5 minutes after Sunset
7:30 PM
01:05 PM